Only 3 Aftertouch curves?

I’m surprised there are only 3 aftertouch curves to choose from in Settings.

No matter which one I try, the aftertouch does not feel responsive enough, in any of the presets that respond to aftertouch.

I really hope that this is fixable in firmware (add lots more aftertouch options). These days with things like Osmose and Hydrasynth, players are used to a much higher quality of expressive options. On Astrolab 1.3.5, , not much happens until key pressure is halfway to max, and then you have very little control in the remaining half. (again, this seems to happen in all three settings: linear, exponential and logarithmic)

I should add that Astrolab is absolutely amazing :exploding_head: Amazing sounding, amazing number of very high quality emulations…truly breathtaking.

I also appreciate the bold statement (“let’s simply make music”) Arturia are making with the minimal front panel design. This instrument is beautiful in every way.

The aftertouch aspect just feels like it was an “afterthought”. That’s my only issue with it.

Upvoting this request… it would be great to have more aftertouch control.