Not happy // having to uninstall/reinstall all of the V collection software

Had my Minifuse 4 fail on me… I was not thrilled with the slow communication with customer service.
Got a new one sent out to me. After registering the new unit, for some reason, I ended up having to uninstall/reinstall all of the V collection software and my sound libraries to get it to work correctly.
This just doesn’t seem right. With gigs coming up, I don’t have time to waste basically rebuilding my stage rig. Thankfully, I had backed up my custom patches, or they might have been lost.
After almost 6 years, This is my first bad experience with Arturia. I really hope it was a fluke, because if this is a peek into the future of the products, I may have to start looking for alternatives.

Hey @waynetapia we’re sorry about this, we work hard to get the best quality and ensure the best performance possible :hammer_and_wrench:

The replacement of the MiniFuse 4 and the activation of the V-Collection are unrelated topics. There could be other reasons related to V-collection that may have been produced this situation.

Please feel free to contact our support team from your account to be sure we find the best solution for you.

Thanks for your feedback and we hope you keep the journey with us :zap: