I am Unable to import samples into the sampler, no waveform icon visable per Pigments manual, Qoute: “You can also import folders of custom samples (.wav or .aiff files) into Pigments by clicking
the waveform icon at the lower right. Once imported, they will show up in a folder called
Imported in the browser’s left column” When importing folder nothing happens, in standalone or DAW instances. I have reinstalled Pigments from ASC , didn’t fix the problem. Thanks for any help!
Hi @56speedster1. Welcome to the community.
Yes - The Sample browser have been changed in Pigments 6.
It look like there is no option to import a single audio file to the Sample Egines. Not by using drag and drop either.
I assume this is something that will be fixed. But i can’ t tell for sure, or if this is a design choice. Feel free to ask Arturia support.
The Pigments 6 manuals text is not as it is right now. That can be an error since the image in the manaul show the sample folder button.
It’s possible to add folders with samples in the sample browsers Folders view using the Add Folder button.
It’s also possible to add single files to folders in the main Samples folder where the ressources is installed on the computer. But that’s not from inside Pigments.
Hi LBH, thanks very much for the response. I have not been able to import folders as well, it never populates over to the menu.
Also the import folder in the drop down menu is not there. I have sent a request into Arturia support, hopefully they will get back and let me know. Thanks again for the help!
Hi again @56speedster1 ,
I don’t understand this. What drop down menu?
When you select Samples in the Sample engines sample browser, then you can choose a Categories view and a Folders view using the 2 buttons there.
When you click the Folders button you also get access to a Add Folder button. The Pigments 6 manual have a image of this in the import sample section
I can import a folder this way in Pigments 6.
But good you have contacted Arturia support.
Sorry, I meant catagories dropdown, I believe previous versions had a folder selection for Import. I have seen this on YT videos, but that selection is not there. I did get it to open a folder and see the files that way, I was double clicking instead of hovering over the folder name and then using the select folder tab, it wasn’t adding the folder. I appreciate the help on this, it was driving me nuts!
It is no longer possible to import folders or files in the categories section.
Everything located in the categories section is now factory content (or Arturia banks).
However, you can import any folder or files from the Folder section (which can be considered as the user section)
If you had any user content in the category section, it should be found in a dedicated folder in the the folder section.
All the best