No velocity or aftertouch on tracks 1 - 3?

Hello all. I recently purchased my Keystep Pro and got is set up with latest firmware. Velocity and aftertouch are only working on track 4. These appear to be global settings so I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or perhaps it’s an issue with my unit.


In the latest update, you can set fixed velocity per track. I had the same issue, only velocity on track 4, after setting the parameter on/off for each track in the settings, it worked on all tracks again.

New features

  • Keystep Pro Chroma integration
  • Shift + Track will open a menu with tracks parameters : MIDI Channels, Program Changes, Fixed velocity
  • Program Change Send by pattern
  • Fixed Velocity : Record notes with a pre-defined veloctiy
  • Transpose Latch : Edit Transposition with a single hand
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