No sound / no available wavetables in wavetable osc in FW2.0.0

Title says it all: I’ve updated my minifreak with the new fw, but when I select the wavetable osc I get no sound at all. Shift+osc type does nothing… Also selecting wavetables from the osc-edit menu doesn’t work.

I’ve tried installing the fw again with the “upload from file”-function in minifreak V, but still no success…

When I go to ‘wavetables’ in the osc edit menu I see just the header “wavetables” with nothing to choose from under it.

Did you also install the new MiniFreak V? AFAIK, the actual wavetables comes with the installation of the new MnF V, and then it will upload the wavetables to the MnF hardware.


When I reconnected my MF to MFV it started synchronizing; now it is working!


I’ll be busy tonight exploring the new FW…

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