No more screen after upgrading the firmware to v2?

@matjones , thanks for the replay!

After updating and witing for 10 minutes, I have restarted my MF. Since then, MF is showing only “Mini Freak…” and the moving stars on the screen. MFV does not show any option for linking to the MF or update options. So, I cannot reach MF in any way. Anyway, thank you for your asstance!

Ok, sorry to hear this, thanks for letting us know!

I’d be inclined to message support, I think this might get picked up quickly.

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Thanks for suggestion! I will certainly do that!

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Same issue here, request submitted

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Same for me too, bummer.

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Arturia support have send me their utility for v2.0 update, but unfortunately it didn’t solve the problem. My MF is not recognized by my computer, so I’m afraid that I have a big problem with it…

I had multiple failures to install the firmware. Kept saying “Successful Update” and then didn’t reboot. When I manually rebooted first two times it restarted and said it was using 2.0 firmware but there were weird problems (such as it going silent when I browsed to new sounds), so I tried again. Third time it couldn’t boot up at all (just showed the animated startup screen). I used the key sequence mentioned above by arktan to hard reboot and that let me have another go. Fourth attempt was successful and it auto-rebooted. I also switched to a direct USB cable from my laptop to the minifreak, whereas before the minifreak was connected through my Dell docking station. Don’t know if that made the difference.


Yes I also received their tool, but as I can’t start in boot mode any more, it’s useless. I was asked to send to repair, hopefully they will not charge us for this. This is really bad software is that’s so easy to brick …

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Same here. I have contacted Thomann, since I bought my MF from them for repair.

You guys have run into the same issues as I did when updating from V1.0 to V1.1. I bricked two Minifreaks at that time by switching the Minifreak itself off when the updater said it would reboot the Minifreak but didn’t. I did get the hard reset into boot mode trick from someone on the old forums, but in the end that didn’t get me any further (all update attempts ended in the incomplete update state) and I just got into the locked state that some of you are also experiencing.

I had my dealer swap the first one for a new one, but ran into the same issue with that one and finally had to send the second one to Arturia in France to have it fixed when that one invariably also ended in the locked mode.

Later they posted a recommendation that after the update was done (at least according to MiniFreak V), to close down the app or if that didn’t help, to reboot the PC.

I don’t know if this works (I got my Minifreak back updated to V1.1, so up to now no need to update). I’ve been reluctant to try the update process for fear of ending up in the same situation, so I waited to see what others are experiencing. Seems that the update process is still as loaded with boobytraps as it was with FW 1.0.

So if you have a bricked Minifreak, that no longer is able to get into update mode, the only solution is a return for repair to Arturia.

If you still have the option to get the Minifreak into boot mode, retry the update and if the Minifreak doesn’t reboot at the end, try the closing of Minifreak V and/or the PC reboot.

Please post here if one of those methods resolved the issue for you and lead to a successful update!

Here is a link to the topic I opened on the firmware update failure on the old forums:


I’m still on 1.0 because I like my MiniFreak too much to try and update. It’s really frustrating that Arturia seems more concerned with tossing out 1.x bricks and calling them major upgrades than they are with fixing the update process.

We’re just guinea pigs to them.

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This seems to be affecting a minority of users, I realise that’s not likely to be out much comfort to those that are affected though.
I updated my own MF yesterday via the standalone MFV and am up and running smoothly. I know of quite a few other users in the same position too.

It might be worth everyone experiencing issues posting their system specs to see if there’s a common link.

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I had this problem. So, having updated the firmware, I then updated the plugin, or restarted it or somethiing…and rebooted the PC, and then the ‘link to minifreak’ reappeared.


I finally took the plunge and successfully updated the FW to 2.0 and so far so good.

Favorites was a little weird for a minute but I got it and it makes life a lot faster. I’ll dive into wavetables and unisons over the next hour and see what happens.

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So I also took the plunge this morning and started the update. As happened previously with the 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 update, the Minifreak didn’t reboot itself, so I was getting a sinking feeling.

However this time the Minifreak V software showed a link to open in case of this happening.
So I clicked on that link and was instructed to keep Minifreak V open, while restarting the Minifreak with the Shift + Octave Down buttons being pressed.

So I did this and the Minifreak started up with the V2.0.0 welcome message. Minifreak V also informed me that the firmware was successfully updated to V2.0.0.

So far so good I guess. I hope this update will stick. Maybe during the time at Arturia to get fixed after the failed V1.0.0 to V1.1.0 update they also fixed the root cause for the updater completely failing. Who knows?

But I still find it extremely disturbing that the automatic reboot that should take place just doesn’t seem to happen, not even after waiting for more that 1 minute (as instructed by Minifreak V) and that Minifreak V seems to think that it did successfully reboot the Minifreak when it clearly hasn’t done so.


@bjg321 @UglyMule @Pieter-Jan_Kuyten
That’s great to hear, glad you’re all up and running now! :sunglasses:

It’s good that someone thought to patch that Shift + Octave down path into the update process. More people should know about this. It might cut down on some of the rough experiences and bad press. Wavetable produces some good sounds and I really like super unison.

Favorites is extremely helpful but produces some wonky behaviors that make me have to switch back & forth between it & panel mode (a lot). I wish the Shift button was an octave from the Save button so I could keep my right hand going on the :musical_keyboard: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . Overall this is a great sounding board with lots of flexibility.

You’re not the only one! :heart_eyes:

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After about 12 tries to update I had success. This is my story:

They did say when the V1.0 to V1.1 patch came out that you should use a direct USB port on your system, not one connected to a hub or something like that. I assume that VirtualBox’s USB passthrough didn’t meet that criterium. But I do agree with you that their update protocol is way too fragile as it is now. Not sure if they can do anything about that though through patches.