Newbie: Issue with Fadrers 1 & 3 (Replacement unit/s)

Hey all,

1st post. I bought a KL61 from Thoman 2 months ago.
1st unit had problem with faders not zeroing out in DAW and AL.
Trouble shooted with support and Unit was returned.
Replacement sent has the same issue but slightly worse. (unwanted data being sent on a simple smooth fader automation)
Returned again.
Thoman advising me that Arturia have checked and say untit operating fine.

With respect to Thoman, they said they will not be able to assit further if I take a 3rd shipment and it still has issues. I can understand that.

Reading a little here about other user problems. Has anyone experience same? I’ve only had KL a few Days since purchase and 2 months without it.

I love the idea of KL but I’m loosing all confidence recently I not sure if I should bail.
Anyone share some advise experience if similar?

Many thanks.

ABE / KL61 / Win 10 / i7 / 32GB Ram

Hi @MiR and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum.

Really sorry to hear this and fully understand your concerns.

Have you yourself spoken with our Support Team to make them aware?

I’m not sure of the customer laws in your part of the globe, but I would still take another replacement from Thomann as it’s they that you have purchased from.

I’ll drop you a quick pm too.


Many thanks for PM.

Yes all troubleshoot great with Arturia support and Thoman good too.
Now waiting on 3rd shipment confirm but no confirmation my fader issue will not be seen again.

Apparently Thoman say the Arturia techs find no fault so I’m now questioning if there is a general acceptance of faders not perfectly zeroing out or hittimg Max values. (I have posted that query seperatly here which I hope is ok to do)

Thanks again!

I’ve got a Keylab mkII and haven’t had any zeroing or issues yet. Hoping that remains the case.