Since none of our previous question/requests/comments are here, does this signal to the users that Arturia has no plans to implement requests made in the previous forum? Don’t let this amazing synth become an unloved child.
HI BeardFist,
No, not at all, it just means there is a new forum now, the old one was a bit tired and needed bringing up to date, nothing more.
Hey @Beardfist there is nothing to worry about it!
The Legacy Forum is still accessible on read only mode, you can find a direct link from the bottom down of our burger menu.
Feature Requests are always welcome! To do so you just need to go to the dedicated section of the product and create a topic with the key word [Feature Request] at the beginning of the title.
Lastly, now in this brand new forum you will be welcome to share your creations on Your Sound section!
Hope to see your creations with our products soon!
Keep exploring