Hey @alexdata yep!
As you posted again the same topic we deleted the first one, also the second one has already 25 replies so there is much more important information to consider.
As in live, it’s better to keep chill and don’t rush
If you are having specific issues with our products I strongly suggest you to please log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation properly.
Hey @nats.arturia
I did contact support first! (using that same support link you posted)
That was around the 5th/6th of July 2023.
I have yet to hear back from them.
I also replied back to the automatic confirmation email I got, the email that confirmed they had received my support question, and I updated it with the possible solution to the bug - that we found by working together - here on this forum, but I have yet to hear back from them on either the original support question, or the follow-up updates, with links to to the forum post with the possible solution, and all the steps done to figure it out.
So hopefully they will reply soon.
So far the best help has been from this forums users!
So a big thanks to the forum-user that was helpful with figuring out more about my topic’s problem!
Same. There are no visual cues to show read vs unread posts. Sorting by recent posts when drilling into a category does not work. Generally a visually confusing format now.
I recommend the devs read Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think”
Hey @UglyMule there is a little greenish point in front of the unread posts, it’s not than big so it’s possible you didn’t noticed already, but if you look closer you’ll see it
Also if you want to get notified about any particular topic you can activate them in your “Tags” section by going to Menu > Tags > Watched > there you can select the products to get a notification every time there is a new topic and/or comment.
My eyes are old and I missed the little green point.
Forum usability issues aside, I LOVE my MiniFreak. I play it nearly every day and have spent countless hours reviewing loopop’s wonderful tutorials (and other youtubers), to the point that I’m very comfortable with the design and layout. The mod matrix and touch strips are brilliant!
The MiniFreak has proven to be a perfect addition to my stack.
Who knows what new wonders I would uncover if only I felt confident enough to update the firmware.
As others have mentioned, seems like a lot of wasted space in this new forum system, and it is indeed very slow. I have a clean, powerful 24 core workstation on a 2Gb synchronous fiber connection and sometimes just the forum index page takes 10 seconds to completely load. Some elements load quickly, others slowly load in like we are on 1Mbit DSL in 1999.
30+ year net/sysadmin here. As I mentioned, I have a 2Gb synchronous fiber connection. I also have access to a 1.5Gbit asynchronous copper cable connection with a different route to your site, and 2 smartphones I can switch to 5G - it’s slow on any connection, any browser, any host including smartphones. (it’s slow on page load)
I’ve been living at this location close to 5 years and have mostly great connectivity to any route I test, and my network is clean.
If you don’t have local or network issues of any kind, then it’s a mystery to me, if you allways have slow connection on Arturias website.
I don’t know, if Arturia support can tell. Both cabled and wireless connection normally work fine here. Sites can have issues and too much traffic from time to rime. For example some periods the days new products or updates is launched.
Understood. Its ok, though, because I dont need a lot of bandwidth or the fastest page-load times here. I am in California, Bay Area, and this connection routes out from Los Angeles. I use Frontier Networks and, sadly, Comcast. Comcast routes through Sacramento, but both pick up high latency on round trip times.
This doesnt happen from your CDN when I use Arturia Software Center, but Software Center isnt doing page loads. Really it isnt a big problem for me, but I wanted to mention it in terms of the new forum, etc.