New firmware?

Hi! Must be a tiring topic but I wonder if anyone knows whether Arturia is working on some update for Microfreak? I don’t need any secret info or exact confirmations, just in general if anyone knows whether at some point there will be some new update coming.

Arturia seems to keep everything secret from the public until release. Hopefully there will be more updates, but we won’t know until they appear.

Ah I didn’t know, thanks. I’m new to Arturia and to the synth world in general. Thanks for the info.

As you’re new to Arturia and synths in general, just checking you are aware there have been some pretty excellent updates to the Microfreak already?. You should be on version 5. If you bought second hand you may not have all or any of the updates they’ve brought out since the original release. It’s a great synth which you’re hopefully enjoying as much as I am!