Nagging to sign in

All my items are registered, activated and synchronised. I should not have to register and sign-in anymore. However, each time after I went to ASC to check for updates, and certainly after I have made an update, the first time I instantiate anything Arturia in my DAW I need to give my credentials and sign-in again. Even worse, if an Arturia plugin is in a session and you want to start up that session (Logic Pro) the starting up will hang because you would first have to sign-in again. I’ve been contacting support over this for the last year, they keep asking for the same info, but nothing gets solved.

Mac mini M2 Pro, Sonoma 14.7.1, Logic Pro 11.1, MOTU 828
All Arturia items up to date

This doesn’t help you at all but we’re running the exact same setup except mine’s an M1 Studio Max, and I don’t get prompted at all. So I don’t know what we’re doing differently.

When I open ASC it signs me in immediately and synchronises my licences.

The ASC works OK in my case too, updates go without a hitch, everything works perfectly it is only after I have changed something to my setup (performed an update of any item or installed a new item) that the first time I open my DAW and insert any item Arturia I get prompted to login to get started. Once I have done that ( 1 time, any item) all items work perfectly without any prompts.

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Hi @songman,

Yes that’s annoying.

You can try this:

Reported this issue five months ago :wink:

Thanks LBH, I already did that a few times, no change.

Trensharo, glad (well in a manner of speaking) that I’m not alone.

I know it may not work @songman . But it’s worth a try.

I have reported the same issue in other places in the forum, and so has others.