' My 'Home Studio

I don’t know if there is a topic about the place where we spend a good part of our time playing and composing.
Well this room is quite modest if we judge by the few instruments and their age for some, but it is the place where I feel good.

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Looks superb.

This is a great idea for a thread that old me under the handle of MajorFubar desperately tried to kickstart on the old forum, but barely anyone was interested. Most people join forums like this to either have a moan or to ask for technical support. Either way, they disappear after a dozen-or-less posts.

Home Studio

This is a recent shot of my home studio, where digtal and analog live mostly in harmony, and is my happy place. The KL88 has since been sold to make way for an NI S88 with polyphonic aftertouch, which sadly is a feature Atruria are in no rush to incoroprate into their KeyLab controllers, so I jumped ship.


Hello @Jon_Vincent , thank you for your participation and sharing.

I suspect that this topic will one day have reached its limit, but it may also be at a time when we can submit our new purchases that will complete this Musical sanctuary.

In addition, put a face or a situation as a wink in part to the family of Arturia users, finally that’s what I will try to do.

Thank you @Jon_Vincent for your Friendship and the pleasure of knowing how you are evolving in your Home Studio.

Have a good day or evening.

Amitié de ma Bretagne en France.


A couple of years ago, this was my studio.

I moved home and didnt have the space to recreate it. Coupled with my increasing use of plugins, especially Arturia, I decided to go down the s/w route and sold it all.

It was nice to have it for a while but I am more than happy with s/w.


Hello @Funtmaster and thank you for sharing.

In any case it was a great studio. I think the electricity bill must have been quite high.

Plus a real Korg MS20 like the one I owned for a few years and my missed DX7, my B.A.Rs.

Well it’s a great discovery of your old Universe and I’m happy to know that today your evolution in software suits you completely.

Thank you for your Friendship and your sharing.

Kind regards.

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I don’t have any real feedback on HP at the moment, it’s just an old JVC compact and a multitude of speakers (recovery for many).
Investing in software prohibits me for the moment, although my wife is very accommodating.
I don’t want to disrupt the family budget, I’m not a professional and never will be.
Music, like Martial Arts once were, is an integral part of my life.

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Sadly, it was only an MS20ic controller for the Korg Legacy s/w. However, in my youth around 1980, my first synth was actually the MS20 :slight_smile:

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Here is my home studio. Reaper, an Akai MPK, some Arturia and NI plugins, Atlas, MPC Beats and a view of Sydney Harbour.


Hello @dju and thank you for sharing. I just traveled while enjoying the view of the place where you compose your music.
Super nice of you to share this with us.
I only have my garden in a small village in Ille et Vilaine in Brittany and a carpet of leaves on my garden.
Have a great holiday season.

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Thanks Pascal - I visited Brittany about 30 years ago - it is so beautiful. I also was fortunate to revisit Paris recently - such a wonderful city. Have a great holiday season too!

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