Multi-part things really needed [FEATURE REQUESTS]

  1. when swapping parts, allow an option for the instruments to be swapped instead of the key ranges. (I see this was mentioned here also: Easy way to swap layers? - #3 by Sean_W )

  2. when adjusting using Oct- and Oct+, have an option to apply to the selected Part only… I do see the “Octave Transpose” buried in MIDI… but… kind hard to get to. Could ‘Shift’ and Oct- or Oct+ be made to do that?

  3. allow Reverb and Delay to be easily applied part-specifically

  4. seems like there’s something blocking my multi’s from working correctly in Playlists?

thanks for a wonderful product!

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Any specific reason why you prefer to swap parts rather than key-ranges?

Shift + Oct +/Oct- is already used for transpose by semi-tones.
The shortcut that would be consistent with other Part-specific related operations (ARP, CHORD/SCALE) would be to hold the Part1 or Part2 button and press Oct+/Oct- to change octaves on only one part.

The same method as above also already applies to routing FXA or FXB to Part1, Part2 or both.
AstroLab Delay and Reverb are shared by the two parts, with the option in Analog Lab for each multi preset to send Part1, Part2 or both to Delay and/or Reverb.
In theory, the same shortcut (hold Part1 or Part2 button) could be applied to switch delay and/or reverb send on/off for each part.
If you need different delays on each part, the only way is to use the delays inside each instrument instead of the Analog Lab delay (at least for one part).

What do you mean? Any specific example?
Multis should be working fine in Playlist mode.

Thank you for the speedy responses! Thanks for dealing with my detail… appreciated. I’ll so separate replies to help alleviate haeadaches reading :sunglasses:

  1. there’s a few things behind this… but mostly it’s an issue of right/left hand brain assumptions… and an illogical part2 default assignment.

A. If you are creating multis on the Astrolab when performing… By default… the first preset you select is on Part2 … which seems really counterintuitive. It seems like it should be part1. That causes confusion in the UI for the below. The other factor is that Part1 and 2 buttons are situated physically implying part1 is on the left and 2 is on the right.
B. So I select my Part1 by shift-Part2… e.g. often selecting a bass for my left hand. But I have to reverse the parts now…. So I do… but then when I want to make the bass louder, i have to set the volume for the part button that’s on the Right!


Re octaves and parts: agree totally! The octave transpose UI you describe would be consistent and elegant. Hope that makes it in to the enhancement list🙏

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And implementing the same metaphor for part-specific reverb/delay control would be awesome… right now… having it be global hurts the performance dynamics a lot.

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Re creating splits from components organized into a playlist doesn’t work for me… when I shift-part2 in playlist-mode I don’t get the prompt to select another part… like I do when the yellow leds are not lit.

ah yes, I misunderstood, sorry.
I thought you had troubles adding a Multi preset to a Playlist, which works fine.
But you’re right, you can’t create a new Multi while you are in Playlist mode.

The first preset (single) is on Part1, and then you add another preset on Part2 to create a Multi.

This is also what happens by default. After you add a second preset on Part 2, when you press SPLIT, Part1 is on lower part (left) of the keyboard, and Part2 on the upper (right).

No, in a Multi, you can select a different Part1 with Shift+Part1, or a different Part2 with Shift+Part2.

Yes, if you have selected the bass on Part2 (by default on the upper/right), that’s when you use the “Inverse Split” option to switch Part2 to the lower (left) and Part1 to the upper (right).
But, in that case, the icons on the display and the Part buttons feel reversed.
That would be the case where you’d want to “Swap Parts”, rather than “Inverse Split”. That would make sense, indeed.

Sean… yes. …it seems backwards… that’s one of my points. … to create a new multi on Astrolab. … one must do this. Because a “single” (Non-multi) preset calls its sole part “part 2”. Wouldn’t it make sense for it to be “part 1” ?

Or maybe I’m missing something?

Incorrect. SIngle presets are Part 1 only, as expected.
If you check the MIDI page (Shift+Split), you’ll see only Part1 settings.
The blue LED under the Part2 button is there to show that you have the option of adding a 2nd Part there.

Thanks Sean?.. I understand that now. I was interpreting the blue Part 2 light as an indicator of the current state of the machine… my bad. I appreciate your patience…

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