Morphée and Ribbon Midi not working


Whilst MIDI CCs for Ribbon (CC 9) and Morphée (89,114,115) are outgoing to the DAW, incoming CC will have no effect. I recorded a session using both in Reaper and subsequently had the recorded MIDI played back in Reaper (and GigPerformer as a control) to PolyBrute as target. While other CCs work well, the Ribbon and Morphée CCs do not have any effect.

Thanks, Marcus

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Not new - see legacy forum: Polybrute not responding to MIDI CC

At least in Connect should be a complete list of CCs and the option to open/close filters.

Another annoying thing is, that the PB drops the very first note when playing back a sequence from an external DAW (or in my case the MPCX)

The automatic start of the PB sequencer: The new transport filter is not solving the issue of the PB starting its sequence, as the “Song Pointer Position” is causing that. I have solved the issue by using the “CME U6MIDI Pro” filter.