Mono low end?


Couldn’t find anything on this topic, so here’s my first post!

I’m trying to make a simple sine with upper harmonics and some stereo spread. However, below a certain frequency I’d like to have it be mono (80hz and below).

I looked at effects to see if it can be done there, and Stereo Pan sort of has the dial to do it, but I’d like to avoid its effect on the upper frequencies. And from what I gather, the Amount knob affects both. So close, but not quite what I want.

Of course this can easily be done with a channel effect, but wondering if it can be done in an easy way in the Pigments preset.

I guess one way would be to have two Sines with the same configuration, having one in mono and the other with spread? But is there and even simpler way?


I’m not sure it’s more simple but I would try the following:

Use one Sine wave and send it in equal amounts to filters 1 and 2 having set them to parallel mode. Filter one can be set to HP to filter out low frequencies below 80Hz while filter 2 is set to LP and filters out anything above 80Hz. Now set the FX section to parallel and you can control the stereo spread of the high and low frequencies independently. I would experiment with filter settings trying BP or Notch for example.

Having sent them to independent FX channels means you can use 2 other FX before or after the stereo spread. All that and you still have the 3rd FX channel for overall tweaking.

Pigments is really flexible and powerful IMHO.

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I assume here that you’d make a mono sound then without stereo spread in voicing section and then, in my case, have:

FX A: LP and keeping mono
FX B: HP with added stereo spread effect

Pigments is very powerful and inviting to work with. I’m relatively new to Pigments and I’m very eager to learn. I know I must experiment, iterate and learn from experienced users to more forward, so thank you for the input.

Yes. To be safe, turn off the Unison, Chord, Super effect in the engine.

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I’d like to see a crossover in The Super Unison effect, and others actually; for this very reason.

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