Missing controls in Pigments

There too many parameters in Pigments that cannot be controlled (by MIDI Learn or other surface control means). Examples are
Morph toggle in Wavetable engines
3D displays toggle in Wavetable engines
Resonator Bypass in Sample engines
Loop mode and Loop Fade in Sample engines
…and a lot more that I did not take the time to note down.
Also allowing to trigger sub-window display changes (eg open LFO window, or Envelope window, or FX page, etc.) would be very useful. Or, even better, automatically open that sub window when a parameter value in that window is modified: for example if I use a surface control to modify VCA envelope attack, the Envelopes sub window should be opened, if not already open.
I will soon release a video on a great solution to finally be able to control with physical knobs in a user-friendly way a good deal of Pigments fantastic parameters, but I’m sure that anyone using a surface control to, well, control some parameters would like to see this.
If Arturia wants, I am willing to make an exhaustive (?) list of missing parameters to help them fix it…

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