MiniLab mkII - constantly disconnecting on MacBook M2 Pro

This very same setup used to work great: minilab mkII connected to my MacBook Pro M2 and used in Ableton or directly in Analog Lab V. But recently I started experiencing issues with controller not being detected anymore.

If I plug in the minilab (directly to macbook), it powers up, pads lit up (all looks good and as usual).

Problem symptoms:

  1. sometimes the Midi Control Center sees it, confirms firmware is at 1.1.2 (the latest I believe). But no other software detects it.
  2. sometimes MCC does not see minilab (and other software neither).
  3. sometimes MCC sees it but firmware shows as “Unknown” and MCC recommends to upgrade. I have tried to upgrade again. It failed sometimes. It worked sometimes; but then I’m just back to square 1.

What I have tried:
4. I have tried with a different cable - same behaviour
5. I have tried with a number of different USB A to USB C adapters - same behaviour
6. I have tried directly plugged in laptop or via monitor hub (which used to work fine) - same behavior.


  1. anyone having similar issues?
  2. any update from Arturia or Apple that might have triggered this?
  3. what else can I try?

The controller looks and feels as new, so I’d hate to have to throw it away!


You have done quite a bit of troubleshooting.

All I can suggest is trying an alternative USB port if possible or another Mac if possible.

Make sure the USB port on the keyboard is clean.

If you have other USB devices and have no problem, perhaps the USB port on the keyboard is defective.

Make sure the ASC and MCC software is up to date too.

Thanks - forgot to mention I tried all the USB ports on the MacBook as well. And all software upgraded to the latest versions.

UPDATE: Minilab is back from the dead!

I cannot really explain why but here’s what I did to make that happen:

  1. Unplugged the MacBook from the screen and the hub.
  2. Powered the macbook with original power supply.
  3. Connected the minilab directly to MacBook.
  4. Opened ASC and MCC (ASC ran yet another update).
  5. Worked!
  6. Plugged it back the way it initially was (through monitor USB hub): kept on working!

I’m going to guess that updates might require a more stable power supply and that maybe an earlier update had left the keyboard in a weird state??

I’m glad it’s working. I can live with that explanation. Weirder things have happened to me over the years.

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