I really do appreciate the help being offered. it is likely just some small item that I have done or are doing wrong but do not realize it. or I don’t have the right firmware and need to deal with Arturia support to get access to the correct one.
I had loaded the MCC. I did go into change the keyboard velocity from linear to log. If I went and then exited the MCC it told me that my settings would be lost. So I saved a new template called Matt. I out of caution, dragged a copy of the Default from Factory Templates down and that copied that too. I then concluded that how would it now what one was the profile I wanted so I dragged the Matt save up to user1.
That was the point I made the conclusion that the encoder turn knobs were definitely acting in an absolute mode. So I went back in and changed the top row to Relative1. this enables the User1 option on the pad. So when I lance in my example Augmented Voices, the pad screen says USER1. and the adjusted controls that I changed to Relative1 do not now work, If I put the pad back to Artura mode (shift and tap prog) then it returns to the same absolute mode.
Now I have read the MCC manual as best that I can absorb and found that you can CMD+M to get the midi output to display inside of MCC. GREAT. so I turned that on to see the output from the CC channels.
For Example, if defined in Absolute on Encoder1 that I gather has a midi hardware id of B0 4A the third value set runs from 00 to 7F (that corresponds to values from 0 to 127). when you put it into Relative 1 , the output now changes to 3E if rotated counter clock, or 41 if rotated clockwise. On Relative 2 they are 02 and 7E, or if on Relative 3 its 12 and 0E.
so clearly from the midi hardware output side, setting the controls to relative effects the output so that it just gives an consistent output number if turned one direction and a different consistent output number if turned the other way, Were as in Absolute mode the output is a number is a varying value depending on where relative the encoder is in the turn. As the encoder is infinite, if you keep turning the knob when it reaches the maximum or minimum value the knob just keeps turning and the value doesn’t change until you start turning it in the opposite direction.
Sorry if this is all so technical, long and ultimately boring. It does however show how the four different setting work and shows that the setting on the hardware (minilab3) needs to correspond with the software for it to work. So if you have the encoder set to relative and the software side is expecting an abosolute value response, the encoder will not work as the values it gives will not be compatible with what the software is expecting.
I am guessing that either the video is wrong. Or my 1.1.1 firmware for Canada needs to be updated and for whatever reason the MCC doesn’t give me the option to upgrade to 1,1,2 or whatever the proper working version actually is.