This very same setup used to work great: minilab mkII connected to my MacBook Pro M2 and used in Ableton or directly in Analog Lab V. But recently I started experiencing issues with controller not being detected anymore.
If I plug in the minilab (directly to macbook), it powers up, pads lit up (all looks good and as usual).
Problem symptoms:
- sometimes the Midi Control Center sees it, confirms firmware is at 1.1.2 (the latest I believe). But no other software detects it.
- sometimes MCC does not see minilab (and other software neither).
- sometimes MCC sees it but firmware shows as “Unknown” and MCC recommends to upgrade. I have tried to upgrade again. It failed sometimes. It worked sometimes; but then I’m just back to square 1.
What I have tried:
4. I have tried with a different cable - same behaviour
5. I have tried with a number of different USB A to USB C adapters - same behaviour
6. I have tried directly plugged in laptop or via monitor hub (which used to work fine) - same behavior.
- anyone having similar issues?
- any update from Arturia or Apple that might have triggered this?
- what else can I try?
The controller looks and feels as new, so I’d hate to have to throw it away!