MiniLab 3 & Basic Logic Pro X Issues

Hi all,
Just bought an Arturia MiniLab 3 and have been trying to install it for use into the latest version of Logic Pro (10.8.1). Using this on a 2020 MacBook Air M1 on Sonoma 14.2.1.

Every time I try to install it, I get this weird error below (replacing my name):

Can’t get «class cfol» “Music” of «class cfol» “[MY NAME]” of «class cfol» “Users” of «class sdsk» of application “Finder”.
Finder got an error: Can’t get folder “Music” of folder “[MY NAME]” of folder “Users” of startup disk. (-1728)

Any ideas on how to fix this? To my knowledge, I haven’t made any adjustments to where my folders or anything sits. This doesn’t seem like a software/hardware issue so figured it might be relevant here.

Additionally, when I try to integrate MiniLab 3 manually into Logic Pro via Control Surfaces, MiniLab 3 is not an option. I only see “MINILAB” and “MiniLab MKII” – I see in the most popular Logic / MiniLab youtube video people have success specifically setting up one for MiniLab 3. Do you know how I could install this profile manually?

Any feedback would be super helpful – I’ve reached out to Arturia twice but to no avail. Thank you!