MiniLab 3 and Studio One - sticks after switching presets with MiniLab 3

Hi folks,
I’m on indefinite travel, and decided to pick up a MiniLab 3 while I am away from my home studio. I like it a lot, it works great with standalone Analog Lab, and works well in Studio One, except for:

If I change presets with the MiniLab 3 hardware (twist main encoder, press main encoder) while running any Arturia VST (Analog Lab or an individual instrument from the V 9 collection), I get in a “stuck” mode.

That is, in this stuck mode, playing notes on the keybed of the MiniLab 3 alternates between doing nothing, and playing like a 20th of a second long “blip” of the loaded preset, and then going silent (still holding key down). I can see the midi note on messages in MCC, note on/note off. When I’m in the stuck mode, I can press and hold a note on the keybed, and I can see the note on message, but I only get a little blip of sound or none at all…then I release the key, and see the note off message.

If I remove the track containing the Arturia virtual instrument, and then recreate it, the issue is solved - sounds play continuously, no problem.

If, instead of changing presets using the main encoder on the MiniLab 3, I use the mouse in the VST window and change presets, the issue does not present. To be clear: if I change presets with the mouse, everything works and sounds great. But if I use the encoder, I get in this stuck mode.

I can also see level meters moving up and down in a sticky, jumpy way when the issue is present, leading me to believe that there is some process that is taking resources away from the sound engine?

Edit: I just noticed another clue - when I’m in the stuck mode, I noticed in the preset name field of the VST window, the preset name is followed by a blinking asterisk. Similar to when one has edited but not saved a preset, it shows an asterisk to let you know. But in the stuck mode, the asterisk is sortof randomly flashing or blinking, as if the system is getting a long string of messages, which is consistent with the stuttering level meters, and getting only brief sound “blips” when I press a key.

Also, if I disable and reenable the track, the issue goes away.

Any ideas? Thanks


The same for me! Identical issue. It seems something related to the MIDI CC 113 sent by pressing the main encoder. It works without any problem using the arturia standalone plugin outside Studio One

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I have the same issue. Any solution yet?