Minifuse disconnects keylab essential 61 mk3

Hi, i have connected the keylab via the usb hub to a minifuse 2, running on windows 11. all software upgraded to latest. however, the keylab gets disconnected a lot of time, while playing (standalone vlab or playing melodics or during recording via ableton. When I play without the minifuse things are stable… however I wish to use it since I als wish to record guitar and use the asio of the minifuse. I noticed that windows event log entyr evertyime it disconnects: arutiausbmidi (source) Audio controller initialization failed error. I did a reinstall of the minufuse… it seems getting worse… Anyone a tip ?

HI @refra and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum.

When you say ‘USB hub’, i take it you mean your own USB hub that’s separate from any Arturia equipment you own?

If you have enough free USB ports, try ditching the USB hub and see if this makes a difference as they can often be problematic, it’s a fairly common issue on here.

@Tim.Arturia recommends a specific type of USB hub if you have to use one as in this thread


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thanks for the reply, No I mean the usb port on the minifuse. I actually bought is because of that, I don’t have anymore usb ports free… Any ideas ?

HI @refra
Ok thanks for the clarification.

Have you tried swapping USB cables checking USB ports are clean and free of dust etc?
Also, are your USB ports set to ‘always on’? This is something that crops up fairly often.

You might want to have a look at this thread


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Hi @matjones ,
so I tried setting the ports to always on and tried another usb c to usb A cable to hook the minifuse up. It did not work sadly, still the shutting downs of the keylab and also the even entries:
perhaps useful: I first got the keylab and installed it (worked fine) later I hooked up the minifuse, and the problems came… however it seems worse now

I think I fixed it. did a complete reinstall of everythin. and then first installed the minifuse and then the keylab. no crash untill now (tried ableton, stand alone effects and melodics) . perhaps there was interference of some sort… ? anyway… it seems ok :slight_smile:

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Hey @refra

That’s great to hear, time to go and have some fun now! :sunglasses: