Minifuse 4

Hi Community,

In my Minifuse 4 ASIO Control panel it was shown as ASIO not active!
is this normal or do i need to change any settings?
in my case i am using cubase 13 pro, when i enter my studio setup it shows as ASIO active (PCM mode)?

what does it mean ?

Hi @Aravind ,

I don’t use Cubase. But it does’nt sound like you have selected MINIFUSE as your Audio Device/ ASIO Driver in Cubase.

Hi @LBH,

I selected minifuse as the audio driver in cubase.

why is it coming like this?

what is vendor.cer?

I also posted this in another threaad of yours.

First - Did you follow the setup instructions?
Have you tried to reinstall Minifuse Control Center? Perhaps first try it through Arturia Software Center. But perhaps uninstall before installing again. Be sure the driver also is uninstalled.

Yes I followed the setup instructions as you said.
I uninstalled & reinstalled the minifuse control center.

Hi @Aravind ,

Does it work now then?

If not, then did you restart your computer after uninstall before you installed again? Try it if not.
Did you check the driver was uninstalled?

Hi @LBH,

When i unchecked “Release driver when using background applications” under my cubase studio setup minifuse asio control panel changed ASIO Status to "ASIO active (PCM mode).
& thanks for your instructions.

My question: Is that correct to be As "ASIO active (PCM mode).

Hi again @Aravind ,

I’m not a technician. I’m also a user like you. I’m not an Arturia employee.
PCM = Pulse Code Modulation. It’s a method to convert analog audio into digital audio. It’s not wrong. But other possible methods are not wrong either. You can read about PCM on the web.

An ASIO driver that can’t run multiclient does’nt run multiclient can’t be used by multiple applications at the same time.
“Release driver when using background applications” means the application that use the driver releaseit, if the application is send to the background. Then the driver can be used by another application.
That’s why i posted the link to another thread about how to use Minifuse as Multiclient driver in Windows.

Hi @LBH,
I followed the setup instructions.
I uninstalled driver & MFCC-Rebooted & Reintsalled Setup but still the same.
Serial number not visible yet.

Hi again @Aravind ,

If you have registrated your Minifuse on your Arturia account and have done all that, then i suggest you contact Arturia support through your account.

Hi @LBH @Aravind right now im encountering the same problem with “vendor.cer” any updates from you two might help me. Thanks.