I did a bit of searching before posting this so my apologies if there has already been something mentioned.
Currently, I have a Keystep Pro/Hydrasynth Deluxe and it would be amazing if I could also use my Akai MidiMix. Is this something that can be done? I see the ‘All’ option when selecting the midi channel but unfortunately, when this is utilized I get neverending sustain issues(reported elsewhere) so it’s not a viable option.
What else could be suggested?
Hi @BoogalooMan
If you’re using it within a DAW then it should be doable and very easy too.
I use Cubase and it’s just a case of either creating two midi channels, one for each keyboard, OR just assign the midi input to ‘All Midi Inputs’…
You’d nee some kind of ‘midi merge’ ( a quick web search throws up a lot) device to do so with the standalone version though AFAIK.
After I posted i was able to get it working great using all, and as far as midi I am using the MRCC. As mentioned I do sometime experience sustained notes but I’m fairly certain that a bug in the Analog Lab software perhaps.
Hey @BoogalooMan
Thanks for the update and good to see you’re, mainly, sorted now.
Might be worth you raising a separate ‘bug report’ if you feel it IS a bug.