Midi CC issue and questions

Hey everyone, I recently got a keystep 37. Relatively new to midi and have a couple questions. My set up right now is Keystep 37 to MPC1000 (to record sequences) to Yamaha AN200.

A couple issues I have so far.

  1. Keystep is slave to MPC, which is what I want to sync midi clock. However each time I play a pattern on the MPC a pattern starts playing on the Keystep. Sometimes I don’t want a pattern playing and hit stop, which I noticed was changing the VCO waveform on my AN200.

I noticed that hitting stop is triggering CC 51 (see photo attached from MPC) which happens to be assigned to waveform on the AN 200! Record button also sends a CC signal that changes another setting on the AN 200. Is there anyway to change or disable these CC messages?

  1. Is there anyway to program sysex midi messages to a CC number and assign to a knob on Keystep? The AN200 requires old software to adjust things missing from the device. I was hoping to assign the CC knobs on the Keystep 37 to these missing parameters but it turns out AN200 doesn’t have those parameters assigned as CC numbers! (Though I did pull the sysex messages). Anything I can do here or am I out of luck? If so, any suggestions on an alternative?


Hi @Johnsonforestcity. Welcome to the community.

About 1.
I suggest you ask in a forum for your MPC and your AN200. It does’nt sound like this is about Keystep 37.

About 2.
Keystep send midi CC messages.
It sound like you don’t use a computer. I think there are apps that can convert midi cc to sysex messages. I don’t know if there excist a hardware interface that can do this. I suggest you search the web.

Sorry i can’t help more.

Thanks for the response.

The issue is not with the MPC, the MPC is just recording CC messages.

I plugged the midi out of the MPC and directly into the an200 synth and same issue. It is sending CC messages that are programmed on the AN200 to change VCO waves (see lights changing on video below).

The AN200 has different CC numbers that are empty.
How can I edit the CC#s of the Keystroke 37?

This is a big bummer that is changed wave forms every stop or record.

Again see video here:

I don’t have a Keystep 37.

Please consult your Keystep manual section “9.10.5. Transport settings”.
Perhaps you shall just set the transport mode to OFF. But it look like you also can change the midi CC.

Just in case. Manuals can for example be downloaded here:

Changing that setting solved the first issue. Thank you!

Great. Thanks for the update.