Microfreak Preset Knob Locked

I was just working on my Microfreak, turning the preset knob to select the next preset and the knob locked. The knob won’t turn and it won’t click. It’s locked in position. Has anyone else had this happen?

My Microfreak has been lightly used, is kept in my home studio and, when not in use, it’s kept under a Decksaver cover. It’s not a dirt or abuse issue.

HI @rehills and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

Sorry to hear about this, i’ve not heard this before about The MicroFreak, but it does crop up from time to time on this and other manufacturer’s boards.

If your unit is still under warranty you might want to speak to the retailer you purchased from about an exchange/repair/refund, if not then, if you feel confident enough try the following…

The usual reasons are either a build up of sweat, dead skin etc (it’s shocking how much can build up without one realising… i ‘serviced’ my TV remote a couple of days ago and was disgusted at the horrible stuff i found in it), or it’s a mechanical issue such as it’s lacking in lubrication or it’s been bent somehow.

If you can gently prise the cap off of the potentiometer stem, i would do so to see if it’s catching on the casing.
Check to see if the nut that fixes the pot to the case, if it’s an external one, hasn’t worked loose.
If not, try using some AF Spray or similar to loosen. i’d leave it 24hrs for the spray to fully penetrate and then try to gently move it.


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