Messing around with the Buchla Easel soft synth

My composition Buchlaease has two tracks both instruments are Arturia’s Buchla Easel soft synth. For one track I used the Arturia plug in EMT LT-140 Plate Reverb on the other I used the Arturia plug in Spring Reverb:


Hi @hammondo74 and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

Just listening now… Definitely seems to be a nod to KH Stockhausen going on here… never a bad thing imho :sunglasses:
The two reverbs are an interesting choice, the spring seems to be accentuating those upper mid harmonics, not quite to the point of discomfort, i think you hit that point exactly there.
A few little hints of BBC Radiophonic Workshop/Delia Derbyshire toward the end too. Nice the way it morphs into it actually.

Looking forward to your next one :+1: :sunglasses: :+1:

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Thank you MatJones for listening to my work and for the kind words. As most I am always working on my next project and on occasion, prior to publishing, I do post my work on my Soundcloud channel under the name Hammondo. Also my web site may be of interest. Cheers! Steve


Good keyboard tunes there, Steve!
I thought I would find Abracadabra. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Thank you francoise those jokes never get old;-)

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Another one I did today with Buchla Easel and Arturia’s software version of the EMT LT-140 Plate Reverb. Wish I had room in my house for one of those suckers I see them on Reverb from time to time. The plate is 4’ by 6’ or something like that.

I called this one BuchlaII Now I get to see if I can remember how to upload content am not quite there yet;-)

Dang it I remembered;-) I just added the link to my post like this:

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The Electric Music Box written on the Easel is quite apt.
It is always full of surprises.
I remember having bought The Wild Bull by Morton Subotnick in the 60’s. Presumably composed on the Buchla. I remember it was very impressive.

Yes indeed most impressive! And in the 60s most likely, my guess;-) is this was done on a four track? Wowsa. Great stuff. Don Buchla was of course a visionary. Here in the PNW we have one person last name Stroh (first name I forget - I worked with his father Greg for many years but never met the son perhaps Dustin? not sure) his creations are certainly impressive although I have yet to avail myself of them:

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Sorry hammondo74,
I had not noticed your reply.

Buchla was from the West Coast like Dave Smith (Sequential).
I bought Smith’s Evolver #200 something in the 90’s; the sound was second to none. I had a lot of fun tweaking the Evolver and still have it.
I wrote to Dave to tell him how much I liked his synth. A very simple and likable person.

PNW? I had to search a bit. Pacific North West. I have a niece living in Portland.

Yes Francoise! I had a Prophet 5 I purchased at Apple Music in Portland. I did love that store heck I had a Dynacord CLS 222 Leslie sim that I ordered there. When it came in the only vehicle I could drive there for pickup was a box truck with an 18’ box on the back, a big one;-) I had to parallel park around the corner. I put my flashers on and ran into the store. I signed for it but the guys there wanted to hear how it sounded so of course I had to explain that I was double parked and really needed to leave;-)
My analog collection is very satisfying I purchased a reissue Minimoog Model D in 2016 it has quite a few bells and whistles not on the original including a third oscillator more options of what can modulate what, and my personal favorite addition a push/pull switch for the mod wheel so you can switch from sine to square wave modulation. I can get some ring mod type sounds with the square wave option on the mod wheel. Fun fun fun stuff indeed.
I also purchased the Korg/ARP 2600M reissue when it was released. Came to me via Korg Japan to Royez Music in France, to me. It has some great features too including a ring modulator and built in speakers and amplifier. I have on order a DIY kit from Frequency Central it is supposed to arrive tomorrow (Friday) I am very eager to its arrival so I can get it working and experiment with it. Also I have a Moog Phatty with the optional CV card a great synth plus a Korg MS-20 that is a delight. That acquisition was most interesting as I had purchased a Korg Nautilus 88 but it arrived with a broken key and items rolling around inside it. I was afraid to power it on. So when the replacement arrived I was surprised to find inside the package, both the Nautilus 88 and the MS-20. I did not order the MS-20. Hmmm.
I too have family in Portland I lived in and around Portland in the 80s and 90s I have lived in the Seattle area for 25 years. Cheers francoise thank you for your response I certainly enjoy our conversations! Steve

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