MatrixBrute - Future Firmware Updates?

Will there be any future firmware updates for the MatrixBrute?

I’d like to know too. I hope so.

For reference here’s the link for the Feature Requests from the old forum:


HI @Deep-sBass welcome to our Sound Explorers community!


The best way to find out about firmware updates etc is to make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about them.


So do I Deep-sBass!

Polybrute is already at firmware update 3…

IMO there are 3rd party editors free or low cost to modify the main sound parameters, but there should be one albeit limited from Arturia (without Mod and Sequencer).

Make an editor already! Preferably with editing of patterns and matrix routings. Something like Soundtower’s editors with program “genetics” and controlled randomizations.


Hi @Pastiche27 and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

That could well be a good idea, what else might be a good idea would be for you to create a new post with your suggestion, which we will mark as a Feature Request, this will help The Devs and other users to identify yours as a new suggestion so it doesn’t get lost within another post, is MUCH more likely to be seen and keeps things relevant to the OP, thanks! :grinning:


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