Matrixbrute Editor from Jimbo


Like many other Matrixbrute users, I’ve been waiting for a dedicated official editor, like the one the Polybrute has.

In the meantime I bought the one created at jimbo.

Its made through CTRLr and works well for the most part, but Im having real issues getting my Matrixbrute hardware to send messages to it to control the vst.

Its something I’m not setting up properly in the settings, and its stumped me.

The installation instructions are based around Ableton and I’m a Cubase (13) user.

Just wondering if anyone else has been using this and has got it 100% working in Cubase.

I’ve already contacted Jimbo and they replied quick. But unfortunately they’re not Cubase users, so couldn’t give me a step by step setup.

Thanks in advance



Hi and welcome, James!

On Windows, I had problems with CTLr. I’m using Andreas Verhamme’s Matrixbrute analyzer as a standalone. I haven’t tried it with Cubase or Reaper.

There are also a couple of Cubase panels for the MxB:

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Yes. Unfortunately. I think Cubase Elements does not support Device Panels. It takes Artist or Pro.

This is great guys. Thanks for the quick feedback. Ill have a look at these tonight.

I’m on Cubase 13 pro, so will see how these work for me.

The Jimbo one is great, as I’ve used a couple before for other synths. But I just cant get it to fully work with the MB.

Hopefully Arturia see that a lot of us MB users are crying out for a dedicated/integrated editor.

Thanks again and will keep you posted.

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For me MATRIXBRUTE EDITOR from jimbo doesn’t work with cubase pro 12

I installed it 2 days ago the vst receives midi informations but it does not emit any sound despite several different midi settings

I found that the standalone Mac version of the Matrixbrute Jimbo editor doesn’t work. There is no way to set the midi channel or anything else for that matter. No pulldown menus and no in-app settings. Nothing except a window with pictures of knobs and faders. Same with the vst.