Marimba Rolls?

Has someone managed to emulate Marimba Rolls? I guess with the Grain Engine this should be possible. Or is there maybe a Preset which goes into that direction? Or can someone give me suggestions how to get there with the Grain Engine. Thank you in advance.

There’s a preset that does exactly that named “Granular Marimba”. There’s also marimba samples in the “Bells & Mallets” sample folder if you want to attempt to work on your own.

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Oh my god, is this my lucky day? :grinning:
Thank you. After posting this I thought that apart from the Granular Engine this might be a case for the Round Robin Function in the Sample Engine as well. I will check this Preset out. The thing is that I have spend quite some money for Marimba Libraries which promise you to have among other things realistic rolls, but sorry my experience is that this is bullshit. They all sound still like machine gun. So this would be quite a surprise if this is not another machine gun preset.

Round-Robin is what you would use if you have multiple samples of the same type of sound and want to cycle through them, so each individual hit doesn’t sound the same (i.e. machine gun style). High-quality orchestral sample libraries will do stuff like that.

The preset is nice. It is still a little bit machine gun, but at least as good or maybe even a little bit better as a sound from a specialized Marimba Library. So thank you one more time. And maybe I can find a way to improve it even more.

You can for example add randomnes and/or other modulations in different ways to add variations to each “hit”.
You can also use the Arpeggiator for a Marimba sound that do not use the Granular sampler. The Arpeggio also have a Swing function.
Doing this kind of things will require exsperimenting. And then you probably will not get for example the Zappa rolls feel excactly.

Also playing techniques is a vital part of many instruments.

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Thank you, I am still looking for the Ruth Underwood Button in Analog Lab :wink:

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I wish i was a musician of that caliber.