Mapping Keylab MkIII 61 with Surge XT

Hi everyone,

I have my MKIII connected to the Surge XT, the keyboard works fine and the wheels too, however I don’t see how to assign the knobs and faders to the synthesizer interface controls so I can operate them.
Is there a guide I can refer to?
I have a very similar problem with Halion Sonic.
If the manual indicates how to do it, please, in addition to kindly indicating it, I would appreciate knowing on which page or chapter the information is found, since it is obvious that I am not able to see it.
Many thanks in advance

Hi @Smokeadvisor. Welcome back.

The controller send out midi messages like Control Change (midi CC) messages.
How a instrument can use this messages and how they are or can be assigned depend on the instrument. Manu instruments have a Midi Learn functionality, while others use other ways to Assing controls to parameters. So please consult you manual about the instrument handle this.

Perhaps web searched can lead to tutorials about it for your instruments.


Thank you very much for your answer.
Let me explain (I see that I have assumed things that are not so clear).
Surge XT is not a commercial synthesizer, it is Open Source, however, it is quite good and at the level of many commercial developments and I think above many.
Although it has a very extensive user manual, that manual is mainly dedicated to teaching how Surge XT works and, although it has connectivity with third-party equipment and software (currently I have it integrated into Cubase and with the Keylab MKIII) in the case of the controller I find the connection very “spartan” that is why I asked about some method or mapping system that could be used to operate the Surge XT from the controller in a more comprehensive way. I have asked the same question in Surge XT. However, it would be great if there was some documentation or script that allowed establishing that connection.
If you know that information, I would appreciate it if you could provide it to me, in any case thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards,

Hi Smokeadvisor,

On linux or Windows, (with Keystep 37) you right click on a standalone Surge XT parameter (eg. Pitch, Resonance, Cutoff, etc.), choose Midi learn and move the knob or slider. Just checked with Keystep 37 knobs. It’s the same procedure on Windows. The assignments are persistent (retained when Surge is closed).

It also works in Cubase 14 (Elements).

It’s the same procedure with HalionSonic. With TRIP, you right clik on Cutoff for instance, choose Learn CC and move the knob or slider.

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In addition and to support what @francoise write.

This is what the Surge XT manual explain about it:
MIDI learn: User Manual
Assign To MIDI CC: User Manual
Clear Learned MIDI CC: User Manual

As said, then your controller can send midi messages like this. Please study your controller and your Midi Control Center manuals about this.
Manuals can be downloaded here: Downloads & Manuals | Arturia - The Sound Explorers

Here are a few info about different midi messages in generel:

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