Mapping Acid V with Moog Mother 32


Is there any possible way to map Acid V with Moog Mother 32 synth?

Thanks in advance

Hey @Throthers hers and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

Assuming your Moog Mother 32 transmits MIDI messages such as CC, you can use those to control The Acid V.
If you open the settings window by clicking on the cog icon, as in the pic below, click on 'Learn and then on which aspect you wish to control, e.g. Resonance, which is mapped to CC71 by default, then turn a knob on your Moog and this should then change the CC# for Resonance to which ever CC your Moog sends out on that knob.

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Thank You for answering, but first i need to figure out how to connect my Mother 32 with my DAW through midi in becuase if i turned knobs it didn’t recognize nothing. I already tried USB MIDI-Interface but still nothing. Can You help me with this?

Thanks in advance

I again @Throthers
It would be a good idea to list your spec, i.e. what inteface. operating system and DAW you are using to enable us to help you properly.

Yes, of course!


Operating system is Win 11.

DAW is Ableton Live 11.3.10

Ok thanks, firstly, is your Moog set to output MIDI data? If you are not sure about this you should consult the manual for your Moog.
If it IS set up properly, then make sure your Moog and the track in Ableton are both set to the same MIDI channel. I do not use Ableton, but there should be some way to monitor incoming MIDI.

The knobs on the Mother 32 do not receive/transmit MIDI CC messages; it’s completely analog. I don’t think it can do what you’re looking for here.

Hello Talahamut,

Thank You for answering, thought that maybe it might work somehow through midi in. Just in case will check out on Moog’s forums as well.

Wishing You all the best!

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Hey @Talahamut and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

Many thanks for pointing that out, very helpful :smiley:

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