Loopback - Can anyone explain how Loopback works on the AudioFuse 16Rig?


I’m just getting to grips with my 16Rig and noticed that it has a Loopback function. My understanding of loopback on such a device means any audio generated within the computer is sent back into the device so it can be heard in another application. Or have I got this wrong.

I do a weekly live stream on YouTube and have been using Rogue Amoeba’s Loopback application to feed audio generated on the computer into a single loopback device. However, when I try and send the audio from, say a software synthesizer, to the loopback channels (33 & 34), I see it activating the loopback VU meter but can’t hear it anywhere.

Am I completely misunderstanding the loopback feature?

I tried looking through the manual and I found a handful of references to its existence, but none to tell me how it actually works.

Many thanks in advance for any guidance.


Hey there,

Are you on Mac or PC?

If Mac, you have to go to “Audio Midi Setup” app, then choose 16rig, then go to “Configure Speakers”, then set L/R Channel to Loopback channels 33/34. That should help.

Not sure about PC LOL


Thanks for the reply! I never thought of that. Yes, I’m on a Mac. I will give that a try later and let you know if that worked :slight_smile:

Thanks again,


I’m having a similar issue (on Windows):

  • I can see the input and output “Loopback” in Window’s audio devices, I can select the ouput to “Loopback” so that all applications output can be captured through it - I can see in OBS that I can capture that output. I can tell the DAW too to output there no problem.
  • However I cannot hear the output of Loopback, that’s the heart of my issue (like @Failed_Muso ) .
  • “Loopback” does not appear in the Audiofuse Control Center mixer or the routing matrix so I have no control over where it goes.

I feel like I’m missing some understanding which is neither explained in the manual nor the tutorial videos.
But the suggestion from @wheresthefunk_TTV , when translated to Windows, should work, so I’m very confused right now.

Any idea of what I could try?

Thinking more about this, I finally realized that the issue on Windows 11 specifically is that as they are introducing new interfaces, the details of the previous ones were not reported.
The idea is to make Windows also reroute Loopback to the default speakers, and to do that you have to go into the old Sounds interface and change the properties to activate “listen” and set it correctly. Beware however: it’s easy to create a feedback loop by mistake so be careful!

This setup + setting Windows output to Loopback + capturing Loopback works for me :ok_hand:

So while the Loopback channels work greart for me when capturing through OBS, there is still an issue:
When using Discord or Skype or anything similar (and I do, regularly, including for music related lessons) we can use Loopback as input and device. However we cannot route the analog input to Loopback OR I didnt find how. The routing matrix does not expose anywhere the Loopback channels (32/33) so there is no way to send analog direct to it.

There are 2 solutions I found so far:

  1. capture the mic through a DAW or similar, which outputs to Loopback : this works well if you are trying to capture the DAW, but you will also be hearing everything loopback outputs with the notable latency in your voice if you have a mic captured.
  2. make windows (or the equivalent in macos) “listen” the analog input so that it is heard int the loopback output. hat works well but the analog input 1 is on the left in that case because you can’t route to both channels as mono.

If someone knows better solutions (maybe through the routing matrix?) I’m all ears.

My wish is to not have to have an external mixer to capture the whole output mix. That’s both the easiest way and the most problematic space-wise and electric-problems-wise. Ideally if there was a way to “just” send the main mix to loopback it would be great.