Lack of High End in sampled instruments

I use the Autosample Function of Gig Performer to sample VSTs for my private use and this works very well. The problem I have might result from my lack of experience in general with sampling and it might not be the “fault” of Pigments. I just noticed that when I sample something and then import it for example in Pigments or in my Nord Stage 4 that the resulting instrument in many cases has lost a lot of high end (higher frequencies). A good example for this problem would be an E-Piano. So I just wonder if anybody has faced the same problem and how did you solve it. OK, I know I can apply EQ afterwards and sometimes velocity might also be an important factor, but apart from that I still wonder if I might be doing something wrong. Thank you in advance.

What sample rate are you using to sample? Does the sample sound ok outside of any plug-in- ie just played back in a file browser?

44,1 khz, sample sounds ok in a file browser.

Ok. When you audition the sample in Pigments sample browser before it is added to the sample engine, does it sound ok?

I would say yes.

OK. So the sample sounds ok outside of Pigments and ok prior to being added to the sample engine.

Make sue only one Synth Engine is activated and try toggling these setting on/off and comparing the sample:

Toggle BOTH Filters on/off simultaneously using the switches in the top left of each filter.

Toggle the entire FX section on/off using the switch at the top of Pigment GUI.

Toggle the in Engine FX (Unison, Resonator Modulation etc) using the switch on the bottom left of the Engine window.

Ensure the in Engine Filter knob is at the 12 o’Clock position.

I cant think of anything else that might affect the frequency content of a sample.

If none of these reveal a culprit, I would suggest a complete uninstall/reinstall of Pigments before contacting Arturia support and letting them know the troubleshooting steps you have taken.

Thank you for your advice. I don’t think that anything is wrong with Pigments. One thing I haven’t tried until now would maybe to sample at 96 khz and then use the samples in Pigments running 41 khz. But I am not sure if this makes any sense or is this only wishful thinking?

Samples can be 16-bit or 24-bit, 44.1 - 192kHz, in WAV or AIFF format.

I think you may be barking up the wrong tree trying a higher sampling rate and if, as by your own admission the problem does not lie with Pigments, I have no idea what the cause is.

Good luck.