Keylab MKII using CV out to send sustain pedal to secondary keyboard

I’d like to have one sustain pedal connected to two keyboards . I’m therefore wondering if it’s possible to connect the pedal to the sus input on the Keylab MKII and then run a wire from a CV out to the sus input on the secondary keyboard. I know there’s a risk of damaging the equipment with wrong CV connectivity, therefore I’m asking before I attempt any setup. Alternatively if there’s a better way to do this I’d like to hear about it :slight_smile:

Hey @Handerre nice to see you here!

From our side we never tried this before, but as we see it will be less dangerous if you try it using a MIDI signal to connect your second pedal.

Good luck with your experiment! and please let us know if you arrive to make it work from your side!

Best :zap: