Keylab mk3 in Cubase - Analog Pro controls

In Cubase 13 Pro on WIndows 11 - When I open an Analog Pro Instrument I expected the knobs and faders to map to the controls shown for the instrument - and these to vary depending on the instrument - e.g. knob 1 could be brightness on one instrument or Noise Mutator on a different instrument.

Instead I just get the knobe mapped to Cubase generic Quick Controls - and the faders just map to the send FX levels.

This is not how it looks in the Arturia Cubase video?

Everything else is working fine, and I have latest Firmware, Script etc.

Any ideas?

Hi @juiceboy . Welcome to the community.

Have you in Analag Lab selected your Keylab 3 as controller in the right panel under the MIDI tab? There is a Midi Controller drop down menu.

Hi - thanks for the quick reply.

yes I have ‘Keylab Mk3’ selected as my midi controller in Analog Lab Pro

Are you in Arturia mode on your controller? Not DAW mode.

I’m in DAW Mode and then I select PLUGIN (rather than MIXER) on the Keylab control screen.

When you select DAW mode, then you control the DAW. In Arturia mode you control the Arturia application - also when you are in a DAW. So try to select Arturia mode.

Thank you - that is nearly working perfectly

I’m needing to hit the Monitor button in Cubase on the track before it recognises that I’m moving knobs and faders - is that as it should be?

That’s good.

I don’t use Cubase. But i will say that can be correct as the track then is active. There can also be other ways it’s correct in Cubase. Perhaps there is a “Direct routing” option. Think that a connection of some kind have to be etablished.

To me it sound like it works.

Yes, it’s working great!!

Thank you so much for your help - have a great Saturday!

You are welcome. You too.