Keylab Midi Control of Logic Snyths

I have a Keylab Essential 61 - I get it to work controlling Logic and Analog Lab - but the myriad of other snyths I can’t figure out how to control - Such EVOC synth - I Start with User 1 - Midi Channel 2 - I can’t figure out how to assign the different faders and knob to control the various controls on the Snyth - how do you do this?

Also I can’t assign anything to the Large Scroll Knob - I want to scroll through the presets like I do with Analog Lab V - how do I do this?

Nobody’s got anything? Even to tell me I’m barking up the wrong tree?

I don’t have a KeyLab or Logic, so I can’t test this specific problem out. If it works like most MIDI controllers, there should be a way to assign the MIDI CC messages to control Logic’s synth parameters to the various controls on the KeyLab, but idk the specifics of doing that in this situation.

Yeah I know that - but the assignments of the keys don’t seem to have any correlation to the knobs on the snyths - plus I want to be able to scroll through presets - and the Large Scrolling Knob doesn’t appear to be assignable - which seems unlikely - but I wanted to know.

Hi @Papanate . Welcome to the community.
Please note you can’t exspect fast replies in the forum, if any at all.

The controller send out midi CC messages. The rest is about how your other software work.

I don’t use MAC and Logic. So i suggest you ask in a Logic forum.
I do know Logic have something called Smart Controls, but perhaps it’s also possible to assign controls in other ways.
Perhaps this video can help some: LOGIC PRO X - Smart Controls Go Deep:
But perhaps also check out, if there is more to look out for.

Afaik some messages can be send out from the jogwheel in Keylab Essentiel MK3 only. You can check it yourself in your Midi Control Center.

I’m a Logic user. But not a KLE user. There is a midi learn function in pretty much all of Logic’s built-in synths. Mostly things like resonance and cutoff and ADSR should already be auto assigned but the rest you will have to manually assign.

As for the KLE jog wheel, I unfortunately have no idea whether that sends out cc’s to any receiving DAW.

Logic has a Midi Learn function that can be found in the toolbar or in Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Learn Assignments For…

There’s a Basic View and a very detailed Advance view. Essentially it works like any other control mapper. Hit the Learn button, move the controller you want to use, then move the parameter in the instrument you want to use to create the control binding.

There’s scope in there to go much further but I haven’t delved into it too deeply yet myself.

Yes to that - it wasn’t apparent how the Midi Learn worked to me - but now I understand it completely - however I still can’t get the Jog Wheel to be midi - maybe it’s something to do with CC notes - because it works fine with Analog V - so there must be a way I just can’t figure that out.

There’s a Basic View and a very detailed Advance view. Essentially it works like any other control mapper. Hit the Learn button, move the controller you want to use, then move the parameter in the instrument you want to use to create the control binding.

Yep I worked with both views - the Advanced View has inputs information that I don’t understand - but I watch it as it learns to see what effects what.

The Central wheel only sends midi when in the “Arturia” mode, which is unfortunate. You can still generally map controls to plugins parameters while in that mode.

Perhaps they can do a firmware update that will allow the central dial to transmit midi data while in a User mode??

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Well that’s too bad :frowning: Maybe you could lodge it as a feature request, however seems to me had Arturia been open to the idea of the control knob sending CC’s to DAWs they would have built-in that functionality from the get-go.

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Unless it was an oversight. But you do make a good point.

I done that 6 months ago. Such an omission on Arturia’s part that the jog wheel functionality is so limited. A big knob like this is asking for it to be assigned to parameters… in conjunction with a ‘shift’ key (read a pad, for example) and you have some cracking controls…