Keylab Essential MK 3 Automapping to Plugins in Collection V 9

I just purchased the Keylab Essential MK3. Does Keylab Essential MK3 have an automapped midi setting that controls individual plugins like Pigments, B-3 V, Augmented Brass, and PIano V? I would like to control the macros like color, morph, time and motion in Analog Brass using the knobs of the Keylab Essential MK3. I hope there’s an update coming soon. The individuals should be able to be controlled using the knobs just like Analog Lab V.

Hey @Boywonder77 and welcome to our Sound Explorers community

This upgrade will be implemented on the next update of V-Collection soon!

Unfortunately, as for today the integration of the KeyLab Essential Mk3 to the individual instruments is not possible, sorry for this temporary inconvenience.

In the meantime you can use the Generic MIDI Controller in the MIDI Controller section along with the Arturia program (press Prog button + pad 1).

To reach it you will need to click on the gear symbol top right corner of the window and click on MIDI:

→ Please note that the KeyLab’s screen will not reflect the parameters and will display only the Generic names (Encoder/Fader).

→ You can also map the next and previous preset with the buttons above the main knob.

to do so, please:

1/ Click on Learn in the MIDI section:

2/ Then click on one of the arrow next to the preset name bar:

3/ Press one of the button above the main knob on the KeyLab, then press on the other arrow and on another button, the result should look like that:

Best :zap:

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Hi Nats.
I’m sure you are very restricted to what you can tell us. I do understand:-)

You mention an update to V-Collection coming soon. I don’t suppose you can advise if this is likely to be an update to V9 or if V10 is coming soon?

The only reason I ask is I’m just about to purchase V9 but if V10 is on the radar I may wait a while.

Thank you.

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