As many, I’m one of those who have been waiting for the MK3 version of the Keylab range. I had a 49 note midi controller from Nektar but it let me down a year ago, the USB socked just went dead, it actually broke up from within!
But to the main point, Arturia Keylab. The present MKII 49/61/88 note boards look quite convincing already. So, what would an MKIII version have over MKII? Hardly more built quality, as the MKII has aluminium housing and the non-wobbly knobs/sliders are considered top quality for midi controllers. Recently I watched a YT review on the Keylab49 MKII where the blogger said he considered almost all other 49 note controllers on the market made out of plastic, built like a “childrens toys” compared to Arturia’s Keylab, which in his opinion had more of the genuine synth look…
So, if we compare this to one of the main competitors, Native Instruments - Komplete control MKIII keyboards, what is Arturia likely to come up with on a new MKIII range:
- New hires color touch display
- Midi2 or even Midi out1+2 (ref. to Keystep Pro)?
- USB C socket
- Arpeggiator perhaps…
- What else? MPE, Polyphonic aftertouch…?
Is this worth it to wait for the MKIII? For all this? YES!.. BUT… Depending what you want from a midi controller. Well, let’s say they decide to downgrade on the built quality from aluminium to (hard) plastic, that would not go down easily with me. But if the built quality will remain same as MKII, then the price is bound to get up quite a bit, you need to dig deeper in you pockets.
Final point. Personally, if I look closely at the Keylab49/61 MKII, it ticks all the boxes for me as my main DAW source is Analog Lab, so I might as well end up with the MkII version!
I would appreciate some input, especially from those who still own Keylab 49/61 MkII? How has it been, still good?