Keltischer Tanz - Danse Celtique

Drumbrute Impact
Bass: Layers Party (Marco Indice, Lofi Explo)
Pian: Ballroom Dreams (Rob Martland, Lofi Explo)
Celtic singer: MatrixBrute!! (Japan Lead + efxMotion)

I couldn’t reproduce the modifications made on MatrixBrute Japan Lead preset and hadn’t saved it ;(. Will try again. Adding more sub on VCO1 is part of it.
I use the MB a lot for jams and rarely for planned pieces.

Matrix goes Bel Canto
Voice and sort of guitar acc: Matrixbrute
Pad: Minibrute LA2049 (Rhythm Lab)
Bass: Minibrute Electro Buzzy B (Solidtrax)
Drums: Drumbrute + Simple drum snare from Addictive drums

MatrixBrute Voice preset is based on Japan Lead with Sub added on OSC1, to be played in higher register.

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