It's here...Polybrute 12!

Daniel Fisher:




Uff, that hurts a bit, but it is really cool!

oh, a dream came true, at least for those who can afford it.

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Great 12 voices butā€¦
Can I also load my purchased patches for the polybrute 6 into the 12?
If I trade in my polybrute 6 with you, how much discount will I get when purchasing the 12?
Iā€™ve only had my 6 for 6 monthsā€¦ :wink:



Hopefully this should make all those disappointed with AstroLab much happier as this one IS designed for knob twisting!! :smiley:

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Is it possible to replace the keybed?
The Poly AT is a nice addition and would certainly upgrade the 6-voice Brute.
I use the ā€œsimulatedā€ duophonic AT in almost all of my presetsā€¦

Before listening or checking out any further, I have to say itā€™s beautiful! Love the design!

Yes, you can :slight_smile:

Greatā€¦ :smiley:

Thanks for replyā€¦ :ok_hand:

As more and more Youtube Videos of Andertons (and other tech channels) arise, please give this Synth to a keyboardist or musician who can actually play. It would be so nice to see and hear it played by J3PO or Mike Pensini or Matt Johnson or the likes.

The tech reviewers had their minutes of fame, and some of them arent bad players either but IMHO there is still no real demo out there where you can really tell what that thing is capable of and whats the sonic spectrum.

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I ordered a 12 and exchanged my 6 at a pretty good price at my music storeā€¦ :ribbon:
(Hopefully there will also be a suitable deck saver)

Would Arturia hand them over in June??? :smile:

+1 for Matt Johnson. But for the love of god donā€™t ask Jordan Rudess!!!

I really do not enjoy his playing whoever he may have been in his past life.

Has any non-reviewer actually gotten one yet?

I donā€™t think so. Thomann still shows them as 5-7 weeks out.

I was really impressed by the loopop video demonstrating the fulltouch to envelope mode. I thought that what Arturia did with the Polybrute 12ā€™s keyboard controlling the envelopes will turn into a new standard for how synths should implement MPE, basically allowing attack forming for any existing preset.

But when play testing the Polybrute 12 during Superbooth 24, my initial expectation turned into disappointment. While this new mode does make it very easy to polyphonically control the attack of any sound using only the keys, it is limited to slower play styles. For instance, playing 16th repetitions at around 120BPM will cause the device to only react to every second note (basically playing eights).

I guess this is due to technical limitations like sensor rates and so on which makes me pessimistic about a future firmware update fixing this.

Iā€™d love to be wrong though and if this can be fixed, Iā€™ll definitely replace my Polybrute with the new Polybrute 12. Otherwise this new mode just slightly interesting but not really as relevatory as it seemed initially.

Edit: Sorry I forgot: Welcome to the forum! :smiley:

Remember that the envelope times are still in effect, but as a slewing of your movements. When pressing down, the speed of the volume increase is limited by the Attack time, and when letting the key move upwards, the speed of the volume decrease is limited by the Decay time. The Sustain level also has an effect, helping you not ā€˜loseā€™ the sound or to complement the Velocity setting (see below).

There are two things to think of if you want rapid playing with the Full Touch Envelope mode:

  • With Attack = 0, the attack time is limited only by the speed with which you press the key down.
  • The Velocity slider will give a more percussive attack for fast playing as you increase it, even with Attack > 0. This design is precisely to be able play quick passages and/or with a more percussive attack, while still have the direct control of the envelope for slower playing.

Check out the user manual ā€œ12.4.3.1. Alt Aftertouch Modesā€ for more details.

Iā€™m sure I also tried various env settings like attack=0. But Iā€™m unsure about the env velocity settings I tried.

Do you think that might make the difference?

Yes, using the Velocity slider is key to percussive playing in Full Touch Envelope mode. IMO, someone had a brilliant moment when coming up with that :slight_smile:

Just Attack = 0 alone still gives a longer attack time than you can achieve with the normal envelopes; the Attack time goes down to 2ms or something, which is much faster than your fingers can physically move the key from top to bottom.