Is there an in depth tutorial for someone who is starting with pigments at V6?

Pigments 6 came out today. I have bought it and it is the first version of pigments and first synth I have bought. Ummm…complex…but already amazing.

I can see that there are a few youtube pigments tutorials but they are all for (obviously) older versions. Before I jump into any of them, how far back would it be OK to go and still be relevant? i.e. would a Pigments3 tutorial still apply? V4? I assume V5 would be closest, but are earlier version tutorials still useful?

This is a very detailed video with Pigments 5, which is very easy to work with.

And don’t worry Pigments is not really complicated, from my point of view of all the synth monoliths on the market Pigments is the one with the most intuitive workflow.

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