Hello! I just purchased a used Drumbrute Impact and I’m having a lot of fun with it. Sadly, the machine used to live in a smoke filled house and the knobs and pads are covered in cigarette residue. I’m going to buy replacement knobs but the rubber/silicone drum pads have all yellowed and smell like cigarettes.
Anyone have tips for getting the smell and color out of the pads? Or know anywhere I can get replacement pads?
Hi @kanned and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!
It’s unlikely that tobacco smoke as damaged the pads, more likely a case that the rubberised coating has degraded over time, MANY manufacturers, including Maserati Sports Cars have had the exact same issue.
Thankfully Arturia, and many other manufacturers have stopped using it now.
You should look at this thread which will explain more and has some ways of ‘fixing’ the issue.
I’ve had several pieces of kit that have suffered from this, from a game controller through to a Nektar P6 Midi controller i used to have.
Oh sorry, to be more clear, the pads work, they just smell bad and are a yellow color rather than the white color of a new drumbrute impact. Is there a way to purchase replacement pads?