I m waiting my Astrolab! (Blind user)

Hello Arturia Team & users!
As i m writing and in my title, i m waiting my new astrolab.
First of all, i would like to say to all these work for this project, please Team. Keep up this grade job. Personally, this is the keyboard years i was waiting for!
All , as i have checked from reviews & tutorials, are so straight forward, and, over all, simple. (I hope to verify this and when i will have it, i don’t think that i will find something different)! Simplicity is something not meat so often in new gear! but also it is and a powerful synth.
The fact that, is has all super sound of Arturia, this says it all!!!
as i also write in my title, i’m blind musician. And this will be my new stage synth, after years.
I’m sure that,if i will have any question, as far as controlling / accessing a few parameters of the keyboard and it’s buttons, i will find the solution here!
Except from playing, i would like to make and small recordings, inside the keyboard. I know , that it has and “length recording” mode, exept of loop!
i m correct?
this is my first question!!!
but my basic point to open this thread is, just to say this.
All the best and, these days & this new year that it will come, let’s’ find us with health and creativity!
Keep in touch,

Hello Theo. I do not think this device has a method to record your playing in the way you are hoping. I think you are confusing this device with a workstation keyboard which often have mulitrack recorders built in that allow you to record multiple parts and build up a complete composition across many tracks playing different sounds at the same time, like a tape recorder or a multitrack digital recorder. As far as I can tell from the instructions, Astrolab cannot do that. At its core it is just a midi keyboard with a built in computer running a Linux version of Analog Lab.

HI @theokmyd and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

I can confirm what @Jon_Vincent has just stated.

To do what you wish, you will need something called a ‘sequencer’. Most people these days use a computer based one, which are known as Digital Audio Workstations or 'DAW’s.
There are also hardware units around too, which MIGHT be a better option as they have more switches and buttons and offer a more tactile experience, unless of course you have a computer with great screen reader capabilities.
I DO KNOW there are MANY visually impaired and blind people making music these days though.

It would DEFINITELY be worth you having a search around the web for any forums for people with serious visual issues that make music, there must be some out there as there are so many making music now.

I’m glad you’re liking your Astrolab though!

Best of luck with your music making endeavours and please don’t be a stranger!

really thanks for all your replies!
With a few words, i know all that you mentioned!
Of course someone doesn’t know what an other person know, or what level of knolege has, i fully understand!
i use pcs in order to create music easily. With the appropriate screen readers of course!
But always a keyboard, with all super all_around sounds, to just turn it on and play, needed!
and this is what i would like to have!
the thing i haven’t check, is that the loop recorder doesn’t have overdub mode!
i know that the Astrolab isn’t a workstation, but i hoped that it offers an overdub “audio recorder”.
I checked also and in an other thread, a guy has it, that mentioned about this.
But ok . It is something i would like it, but i’ll find other ways to do it!
i don’t know how possible it would be for devs ti include this in an next firmware update, let’s see.
In any case i think that it is a good keyboard, and i hope to stay with this opinion!!!
most of these i would like to have, i also think that they are included!
the future will give us the answers!!!
keep in touch!

a question.
Will be a saxophone sound inside?

Hi Theo, I am not sure about a saxophone because I do not know if the Astrolab has the Augmented soundpacks from Analog Lab. Regarding your other question, I believe from an answer someone gave a few days ago that the looper does allow overdubbling but only of the same patch. You cannot add different sounds.

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really thanks for your reply! so it would be possible, if developers would like to ad and overdubbing and for other sounds! not big issue though!
i downloaded the Analoglab, just to have it in my system before the Astro comes, and i found a baratone sax there!
if Astrolab doesn’t include it. I hope i can easyly transfer it from there to the instrument!

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I hope you can too.

When the Astrolab was launched in April 2024, there was an issue that it was only compatible with the instruments found in the previous version of Analog Lab, which contained patches and instruments from V Collection 9, rather than the current Analog Lab launched along side V Collection 10 in December 2023. This led myself, among others, to conclude that the launch of Astrolab had been delayed by several months for an unspecified reason, and in the meantime the new version of Analog Lab and V Collection had been launched, with which the Astro Lab was not fully compatible.

The point of that backstory is, I think it is likely the saxophone you have found is part of the Augmented Brass instrument, which was part of both V Collection 10 and the latest Analog Lab. This means it may or may not yet be fully compatible with the Astrolab.