Hopefully I’m just doing something wrong, but I’ve been struggling with this all morning. I have a nice mono drone patch set up with the Delay effect giving me a nice echo for when I play notes legato. However, I don’t want this echo (or at least, I want it to fall off quickly) when I release all notes.
I tried routing both the envelope and the cycling envelope to cut this (Intensity 3 in this case, on Assign 2) and neither one will work! If I have FX3 selected and drop the intensity knob manually, it stops the delay effect just fine. But for some reason it just carries on long as can be if I try to automate it with an envelope. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
Please help!
You know, I beat my face against this problem for hours, but just typing that out and thinking for another 10 minutes I think I might be onto the cause… The bottom of the envelope is always the base unmodded value isn’t it? It probably can’t take the feedback (intensity) below it’s starting value, so to get what I want I need to set the cycenv sustain value at 80-ish (my current feedback value) and the preset feedback value to 0 (my end of envelope target). I bet that’s it, I’m gonna try again after lunch.
First of all just to make sure, the delay is available on FX2 and Intensity 2, but that was probably just a typo. Your post lunch plan will work! If I do the following, I get lots of delay when playing legato, and only 1 repeat when letting go of all keys:
- Set FX2 to delay, pick your Time and Amount
- Set Intensity to minimum, i.e. one repeat
- Assign Intensity 2 to Assign 1 in the mod matrix
- Set the envelope of choice to Assign 1 at e.g. 75% in the mod matrix
Thank you for the reply! No it was not a typo, I have delay on FX3 because I’m using 2 for something else. It won’t show up for slot 3 for you if you already have delay assigned to a different FX slot. (According to the manual, this is the case for reverb, delay, and multi comp - these can only be assigned to one FX slot at a time.) Anyway, this gets me close to what I want, but I’d like to have zero repeats upon release. I thought that cutting the send level to zero instead might do it, but surprisingly this seems to have no effect at all.
At least I understand now why what I was trying didn’t work, but is there a way to get zero repeats when the note is released?
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Ah, right! I forgot that 
Using the send level will not work because just before you let go of all keys, the sound is sent to the delay and will sound for the number of repeats set by the feedback regardless of what the send level gets set to afterwards. If there was dry/wet mix the that would work.
So, the best that can be done here is one repeat I’m afraid. I hope it’s usable for you.