How to record all the steps in a sequence mode

Hi, can anybody tell me if it is possible to record all the single midi notes when the sequencer is running?
thank you yll for any advises.

Hi @deboje. Welcome back.

If you mean to record the individual midi notes from pigments sequencer into a DAW - then yes.

If and how depend on your DAW and perhaps the plugin format you use.

In essense you:

  1. create a track with Pigments
  2. create another midi/ instrument track and select the output from the above Pigment track as input for this track

Now when you record, then the individual notes will be recorded on the second track.

Thank you for your advise, but in thin case (using Live 12 on my Mac) there are no notes recorded on a new midi track, Even if I exactly’ve done what you suggested.
What I’ve don wrong? Thank you

I don’t use Ableton Live. But @fxdaly have posted the routing in another thread about this topic here: