How to output MIDI to channels that are not used by any Track?

Hello !

Let’s say I have my Keystep Pro set up this way :

Track 1 : channel 1
Track 2 : channel 2
Track 3 : channel 3
Track 4 : channel 4

Then I thought I could still use the Keystep Pro as a simple MIDI interface to output MIDI from the DAW to channel 5. It doesn’t seem to be possible, is it ?

Thanks !

Can anyone confirm it’s not possible ?
If so, that’s a big omission in my opinion.

Hi @chapelier_fou . Welcome to the community.

I don’t have a Keystep PRO. so i can’t test.
I’m not sure how to understand it, but you can read this in the manual to try out:

"1.5.5. MIDI Thru MIDI OUT 2 can now be configured as a MIDI THRU port. When set to Thru, MIDI info received through the MIDI In or the USB port will be forwarded to MIDI OUT 2. You can set this in the MIDI control center or from Utility>MIDI Settings.

 Note: Information sent on the tracks input MIDI channels will be processed by the KeyStep Pro tracks. On the other hand, you can disable the tracks input MIDI channels to let the signal pass through on all channels."

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Thanks !

This works, indeed, thank you, that’s a relief !
Now I want the next level… be able to use the CV/Gate outs without having them linked to tracks. So I could sequence 4 MIDI channels with the Keystep while using the 4 CV outs as MIDI to CV converters…

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Great to hear @chapelier_fou.
Thanks for reporting back.

You can create feature requests, if there is something you can’t do but wish to.