How do I use Analog Lab in Ableton

Hi, just getting started…I saw a video where they had Analog Lab V in an Ableton track so the Minilab3 can access the Arturia sounds. How do I insert Analog Lab into Ableton? thanks

After you install Analog Lab, it should show up in the Plug-Ins area of your Ableton Library (left side of the Ableton screen). From there, drag Analog Lab to a MIDI track.

Thanks, but I eventually found out that the plugin has to be activated in the preferences

Im confused by the link, temp, midi settings recommended for Ableton: some tutorials I’ve watched show conflicting information. Do I need to have Minilab 3 as well as minilab 3 din thru chosen? (what do these do?) Input & output ports: Should I be ticking the box for minilab 3, minilab 3 dim thru, minilab 3 MCU/HUI as well as Minilab 3 ALV? (what do these do?)