High resolution monitor issue and solution


After updating Ploybrute-Connect to 3.0 I had the application displaying only a part of the firmware updating request dialog in the upper right corner of its window, much bigger than normal. It was impossible to click on the update button.

My screen has a 3240 x 2160 resolution. Setting it to a 1980 x1080 resolution solved the problem.

Just wanted to warn those of you who have a very high resolution monitor in case you experience such a problem.

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Thanks @matjones .

Unfortunately I’m realizing that problem occurs each time a modal dialog appears inside the PB Connect window. As I said previously, the workaround is to use a lower resolution (1980 x 1024) momentarily but it is somewhat bothering in the working flow.

Here is a screen capture of the issue. I hope it will be clear.

There seems to be a bug which affects very high resolution monitors.

Hi again @Michael_G

Sorry to read this, in order to help you better please log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap: