Get ChatGPT to RTFM

I was a bit overwhelmed by the idea of working through a 241 page manual for Pigments 5. Instead, I uploaded it into ChatGPT so now I can now ask it how to do something and it does the reading up for me!


I haven’t tried ChatGPT yet. Does that mean it lives in there for anyone to query now?

I had a (free) Open AI account already, and downloaded the Chat GPT app for Mac. Hadn’t realised you can upload a file for it to work from before now

Using an “AI” system to explain a simple manual is peak dystopia. I can’t possible relate to this, and it’s shocking that people still think this is 1) AI, 2) any sort of good idea. Good luck.


Well, OK… Just for context, I work in the tech sector, have a healthy scepticism about all things AI, but try to keep my mind a little bit open to exploring where it might actually be useful.

What is useful about this approach in my view (although I’m not looking to change your already-made-up mind here) is that while it will find the answer to a question, it also explains the context. Faced with trying to get started with a brand new VST that works very differently to what I’ve used to date, the idea of trudging through a very long manual sequentially before I can do anything isn’t how I want to work.

Just posted here for interest for others. But thanks for sharing your view!

Ive worked in tech literally 30 years as a net/sysadmin generalist. I understand every aspect of the debate, from ethics to the technologies themselves and how they are derived, and I need no explainers. The problem is also much, much broader than this discussion, of course.


© ARTURIA SA – 2024 – All rights reserved.

The software described in this manual is provided under the terms of a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software license agreement specifies the terms and conditions for its lawful use.

No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any purpose other than purchaser’s personal use, without the express written permission of ARTURIA S.A

Did you ask for permission? If so, did Arturia give express written permission?

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Thanks for alerting me to this. It never occured to me this could be a problem. It probably is’nt

It fact arturia contacted me about this: they are very enthousiastic about this option. It was a wake up call for them. I’m still in touch with them about this and we’re discussing followup options.

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Thanks for the reply. If they are on board with their copyrighted manuals being stored in information retrieval systems in this way, that’s great. It would be nice if they were to amend their copyright notice to explicitly permit it without written permission so there is no doubt that they (arturia) has in fact granted permission.

The combination of AI with quantum computing scares the holy living shit out of me, given our wretched track record with using tech intelligently and ethically, or rather, lack thereof. Especially with who is leading in quantum computing research: China.