Gate length in Pigments

I’m using a midi sequencer with Pigments that allows you to set the gate length when creating a sequence. This has no affect however, how can I set Pigments to respond to the gate settings in the midi sequencer?

The gate is just how long each note is held. So, you’ll need to use an envelope with sustain to hear the held note.


In addition to @tmoore.

I understand you use a sequencer outside Pigments and not Pigments own internal sequencer, so i reply with that understanding.

If your sequencer send out midi notes of different length, then Pigments should respond to that just like it respond to a note you hold on a keyboard.

Are your sequencers output a trigger or a gate output?

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Correct. It’s set to Clock.

There is a Gate option

And using the Gate option solve your issue? It should, if the note/ Gate length is send to Pigments when using that option.