the bug described here is still affecting new firmware 2.5 as well:
while playing arpeggios in hold mode and chord mode, changing the chord notes results in crash of shift and edit function, as well as cv sends.
noticed also weird reactions (notes stuck ) on hold functions while passing to drum channel, will report later about that in case.
Hey @redon
Glad to see you made it over to the new Sound Explorers Forum.
Sorry to hear this is still ongoing for you.
If you haven’t already, please log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.
Curious to know if you are having any issues with program changes? I find that it will only work on my unit with empty patterns, and not with any existing patterns I had pre-update.
I did back then, and the response was that the bug was transmitted to the development team for having it fixed at next firmware…which didn’t solve it ^^
do you think it’d help to make another ticket on the same bug?
I made a couple of videos (at Arturia’s support request) showing the program change issue I’m having. I also sent them an exported project from my unit that contains existing patterns. Hoping they get back to me tomorrow on their findings with that.